A father and daughter from Bronx, New York. A lovehate story about father complex gone wrong...
A father and daughter from Bronx, New York. A lovehate story about father complex gone wrong...
Joseph unknowingly had yellow fever ever since he was a young teen and had to get some Chinese pussy, but accidentally knocked up a classmate in the process... Behated by baby momma's family, though beloved by Piper, he wasn't allowed regular contact with his child. However, during the rare times Piper could stay over at Joseph's house, Joseph was a doting father, often letting Piper sit on his lap as he played GTA.
It was like this for years, and Piper's difficult home life made him yearn for more time with his father, who was becoming more distant. Piper's wish was later granted after the death of his nǎinai... Stressed beyond all belief (on top of having had a child she actually wanted with a man she actually loves), Piper's mother finally handed custody over to Joseph with Piper's insistence... have fun, you two.
And ten years later, they are having a lot of fun.