

Most end up forgotten... I could just "tweet" or "post" these, but I refuse to let a site that isn't my own to host my journal of Problems.


maybe I shouldn't try to act all high and mighty by scoffing at clickbait as if I don't want to know what the Banned Japanese Game That is Too GORY To Play is. I should just click it. I should just get baited.


lately I've been remembering... how I tried therapy again a few years back. I wonder where I'd be now if I let the man who did my evaluation be my therapist. he seemed to really want me, even after shutting down everything I had to say and implying I was a liar. I remember him trying to bribe me, but I don't remember with what. maybe we would've had some crazy therapist/client shit going on. hmm... well, he wasn't my type anyways.


most of my stuffed animals are girls. it just ends up being that way. but my newest is a man, and my first one too. I gave him a kiss on the nose and my heart got all fluttery. he wears a shirt that says "best dad". what could this mean.


I wish I could stare into the sun. and not just for the meme either. it feels like it could really get in there and clean my eyeballs.

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